On 25 January 2025, the FW de Klerk Foundation held an engaging and informative session with 70 final-year students at BASA Tutorial Institute.
On 25 January 2025, the FW de Klerk Foundation held an engaging and informative session with 70 final-year students at BASA Tutorial Institute.
Ismail Joosub reviews the Deeds Registries Amendment Act and considers whether the collection of personal information in accordance with the Act is Constitutionally valid.
The FW de Klerk Foundation made a written submission to the Electoral Reform Consultation Panel in response to the Panel’s invitation for comments on why, how and whether South Africa’s present electoral system should be reformed, changed, or even replaced.
Op 24 September vier Suid-Afrikaners Erfenisdag – ‘n dag wat gestig is om erkenning te gee aan Suid-Afrika se ryk en diverse taal-, godsdiens- en kulturele erfenis.
Die FW de Klerk Stigting kondig graag aan die bekendstelling van sy Programme vir Grondwetlike Regte en Grondwetlike Bevordering. Hierdie twee afsonderlike programme sal poog om die Stigting se doelwit om Suid-Afrika se grondwetlike demokrasie ‘n werklikheid vir alle burgers te maak, beter te bereik.
The FW de Klerk Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of its Constitutional Rights and Constitutional Advocacy Programmes. These two separate programmes will aim to better achieve the Foundation’s goal of making South Africa’s constitutional democracy a reality for all citizens.
Die FW de Klerk Stigting betuig sy diepste meegevoel met die familie en geliefdes van die voormalige Minister Pravin Gordhan, wat vanoggend op die ouderdom van 75 oorlede is. Die Stigting erken Pravin Gordhan se onskatbare bydraes tot Suid-Afrika se grondwetlike demokrasie.
The FW de Klerk Foundation deeply mourns the passing of Pravin Gordhan on 13 September 2024. His unwavering commitment to constitutional democracy and courageous stand against corruption profoundly shaped South Africa’s governance and integrity.
Siyakudumisa Zicina considers the future of the United Kingdom and South Africa’s relation, concluding the series which considered the impact of Western elections on South Africa.
FW de Klerk Foundation
129 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
+27 (0) 21 930 36 22
NPO number – 031-061
PBO number – 930004278
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FW de Klerk Foundation
129 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
+27 (0) 21 930 36 22
NPO number – 031-061
PBO number – 930004278
Legal Documents
Privacy Policy
The FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference
Esteemed speakers include Ambassador Andreas Peschke (Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany); Magda Wierzycka (CEO of Sygnia); Dr Harlan Cloete (Local Governance and Public Leadership – Research Fellow) and Johan “Rassie” Erasmus (Springbok Coach).