REPORT CARD ON CULTURAL, RELIGIOUS AND LANGUAGE RIGHTS Introduction The Constitutional Negotiations The Report Card on Cultural, Religious and
REPORT CARD ON CULTURAL, RELIGIOUS AND LANGUAGE RIGHTS Introduction The Constitutional Negotiations The Report Card on Cultural, Religious and
Reports that students have been prohibited from speaking Afrikaans – even in private conversations – at the University of Stellenbosch – are deeply disturbing. They are the latest development in the sorry decline of the language at South Africa’s oldest (and once-upon-a-time) Afrikaans university.
Just before the end of 2017, and while South Africa almost came to a halt during the Christmas holidays, an extremely important ruling almost passed unnoticed. Chief Justice Mogoeng delivered the majority ruling in Afriforum’s leave to appeal in the case on the University of the Free State’s language policy. He did so without having heard any oral arguments and dealt simply with the documents before the court. He and seven (black South African) judges denied the leave to appeal, and Judge Froneman and two other (white South African) judges differed in a minority ruling.
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FW de Klerk Foundation
129 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
+27 (0) 21 930 36 22
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