THE SOUTH AFRICAN CONSTITUTIONAL NEGOTIATIONS Synopsis The negotiations had four distinct phases, each in its own way indispensable for the success of the process. The
THE SOUTH AFRICAN CONSTITUTIONAL NEGOTIATIONS Synopsis The negotiations had four distinct phases, each in its own way indispensable for the success of the process. The
FW de Klerk dedicated his presidency to the negotiation of a new non-racial and inclusive constitutional democracy. The negotiations, under his presidency, commenced with his speech of 2 February 1990 and culminated with the adoption of the 1993 constitution on 22 December 1992 and the election of 27 April 1994.
FW de Klerk Foundation
129 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
+27 (0) 21 930 36 22
NPO number – 031-061
PBO number – 930004278
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FW de Klerk Foundation
129 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
+27 (0) 21 930 36 22
NPO number – 031-061
PBO number – 930004278
Legal Documents
Privacy Policy