1. Introduction

1.1 The Centre for Unity in Diversity (CUD), based at the FW de Klerk Foundation, avails itself to making a written submission in response to the call for submissions (14 July 2017) on the Customary Initiation Bill.

Furthermore, the CUD would appreciate the opportunity to engage the Portfolio Committee on Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs during the follow-up process, by providing an oral submission.

1.2 The mission of the FW de Klerk Foundation is to support and promote the Constitution and Bill of Rights as foundational and sacred elements of our democracy.

1.3 The constitutional imperative enshrined in the Preamble and captured in the Bill of Rights promoting unity in diversity is captured in the mission of the Foundation and forms the rationale for the establishment of the Foundation’s Centre for Unity in Diversity.

1.4 In addition, the Foundation’s Centre for Constitutional Rights (CFCR), established in 2006, is dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Constitution and the values, rights and principles enshrined therein. The CFCR also serves a vital monitoring and public information function in respect of developments that may impinge on the enjoyment of constitutional rights by all South Africans.

1.5 The Foundation, through the CUD, is imminently qualified to contribute to a robust discourse, as envisaged in this process undertaken by the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs on the Customary Initiation Bill.

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