The present mobilisation of South Africans mostly has one goal – to get rid of President Zuma. Our view is that the National Foundations Dialogue Initiative (NFDI) is and should be about more than that. It should envisage what should happen in a post-Zuma era to get the country back on its constitutional and non-racial path. As Foundations, we agree the broad framework for this future – the Constitution and the National Development Plan. We also believe that a National Dialogue at all levels is the only way to achieve a consensus on the solutions to this future. We understand that there will be some issues where it would be difficult to find consensus, but that does not detract from the need to have the Dialogue.

The FW de Klerk Foundation commits itself to participating in this National Dialogue with an open and positive mind, with the Constitution as its framework. We believe that the time has come to start talking to each other again.

By Dr Theuns Eloff, Executive Director