The threat to property rights is an integral part of the ANC/SACP National Democratic Revolution – and accords with President Zuma’s repeated statements regarding the ANC’s intention to implement the radical second phase of the NDR during his second term.
Following its post election meeting on 1 June, the Central Committee of SACP – now ascendant in the Tripartite Alliance – issued a statement on how the radical “Second Phase” should be pursued. It identified as a critical element of a radical second phase of the NDR:
- The strategic transformation of the ownership and control function of key commanding heights of the economy; and
- Accelerated land reform in both rural and urban areas, focused on food production and safety, sustainable livelihoods and integrated urbanisation.
Moves by the ANC to undermine property rights would have a catastrophic impact on foreign and domestic investment. They would precipitate further downgrades by ratings agencies to junk bond status and would plunge the country into prolonged recession. This, in turn, would lead to deepening social unrest and instability.
Read the AfriBusiness press release HERE
Click HERE to download full research report
Issued by the FW de Klerk Foundation