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Issued by Ismail Joosub on behalf of the FW de Klerk Foundation on 26/08/2024


The FW de Klerk Foundation is proud to kick off its participation in the National Treasury’s Money Smart Week South Africa (“MSWSA”) 2024, running from 26 August to 1 September 2024. This initiative is critical in advancing the financial literacy of South Africans, with a special focus on youth empowerment and the constitutional rights enshrined in our Bill of Rights.

As a nation committed to the principles of democracy and equality, financial literacy is not merely an educational objective, but a constitutional imperative. Section 22 of the Constitution guarantees every South African the right to freedom of trade, occupation and profession. Through participation in MSWSA, we aim to empower individuals to exercise this right effectively, by being able to make informed financial decisions.

Ismail Joosub, Manager of the Constitutional Advancement Programme at the FW de Klerk Foundation, remarked, “Financial literacy is foundational to realising the rights enshrined in our Constitution, such as the right to property (section 25) and the right to adequate housing (section 26). The ability to manage one’s finances wisely is essential for ensuring these rights are accessible to all South Africans, particularly the youth, who are the future of our nation.”

Christo van der Rheede, Executive Director of the FW de Klerk Foundation, added, “Money Smart Week aligns perfectly with our mission to promote constitutionalism and social justice. By participating, we are contributing to the creation of a more financially literate and empowered citizenry, which is essential for the realisation of equality (section 9) in our society.”

The FW de Klerk Foundation remains committed to supporting initiatives like MSWSA that uphold and advance the constitutional rights of all South Africans. We encourage active participation from all sectors of society to make this week a success and to ensure that the benefits of financial literacy reach every corner of our country.