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Issued by Christo van der Rheede on behalf of the FW de Klerk Foundation on 04/06/2024
The FW de Klerk Foundation notes the results of the national election which requires a coalition government to be formed. The Foundation stands by the protection of the Constitution and the advancement of the Bill of Rights at all costs.
“The Foundation calls on political parties loyal to the Constitution to come together and focus on what is in the country’s best interest: A ‘Government of Constitutional Unity’,” says Christo van der Rheede, the Foundation’s Executive Director. “To protect our democracy, disunity, whether it be based on power politics, ethnicity, political egos or policy implementation differences, must now give way to a renewed commitment to our Constitution and Bill of Rights.”
“A Government of Constitutional Unity differs from a Government of National Unity, in that the latter is a broad coalition of all parties who obtained a seat in Parliament,” explains van der Rheede. “However, in South Africa’s case, not all such parties are loyal to the Constitution. Thus, to safeguard our nation’s democracy, what is needed is a broad coalition of all parties loyal to the Constitution and committed to the Bill of Rights – a Government of Constitutional Unity.”
“Such a government’s cabinet could consist of competent and ethical political leaders nominated by each of the parties, compiled on a proportional basis,” suggests van der Rheede. “Political ideologies and unworkable government plans must be replaced with pragmatic plans that consider the aspirations of the country’s citizens,” emphasises van der Rheede. “Rather protect, promote and honour our hard-earned freedom, unity and peace to bring about progress and prosperity that for too long has remained deferred!”