1.3 The Foundation welcomes this opportunity to comment on the National Sport and Recreation Amendment Bill. However, the Foundation has serious concerns regarding the Amendment Bill, in its present form, because in our view it:
1.3.1 is irrational – in as far as its authors have not taken into consideration the key requirements of international sporting organisations – including the International Olympic Committee, the International Cricket Council and FIFA – that clearly prohibit racial discrimination of any kind and undue state interference in the management of sport;
1.3.2 would grant the Minister vague and unbounded powers to dictate policy to private sports and recreation bodies;
1.3.3 would seriously limit the freedom of individuals and sport and recreation bodies to participate and manage their sport and recreation activities as they see fit; and
1.3.4 cost the state much more than the R7 million per annum indicated in the accompanying memorandum.
Issued by the FW de Klerk Foundation
28 February 2020